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Full Circle Backflush 3x9g Domestic

Full Circle Backflush 3x9g Domestic


Full Circle Backflush - 3 packets at 9 grams each

In the spirit of complete transparency, Full Circle is the only product to clearly display all of its ingredients. Full Circle goes beyond the normal standards set for organic products and offers a renewable and sustainable solution to all coffee businesses that care about their impact on the environment.

Full Circle from Urnex is the first back flushing powder in the coffee industry that offers excellent cleaning performance with minimal environmental impact.

Easy to use concentrated formula cleans away oily residue and mold that can lead to bitter tasting coffee and unnecessary wear on machine.

Traditional cleaning agents like vinegar and soap are not designed to remove coffee oil build-up and can also leave behind fragrances and residue long after final rinsing.

It is recommended to use Full Circle cleaning powder once a week.